37 Weeks and dilated to 2!
We are moving right along! Today we had our 37 week check-up and found out that I am dilated to 2. McCall may be making her grand arrival before her due date of April 16- we shall see....
McCall's Room.... a work in progress....
The changer and dresser have not come in yet, but this is what the nursery looks like so far- Enjoy!!!

The letters that our friend, Keli, made to match the nursery- she is AMAZING!!!!
36 Week Check-up
Last Friday was my 36 week check-up and to my surprise Dr. Clary told us that I was dilated to 1 centimeter!!!! It's getting real- we are going to have a baby!?!?!?! Davy and I are going to be parents!?!?!?! I know, I know, I should have realized this by now.... anyway, our check-up was pretty uneventful other than that- my bp was still really low and McCall's heart rate was 135. I can't believe how close we are!
Also, on Friday we started moving into our new house. We are not completely settled in, but I feel much better knowing that McCall's nursery is at least part of the way done. The crib and chair are in the room right now and the changer and dresser should come in by the end of the week. I will post pictures as soon as I unpack my camera and take a few :)
One month from today!!!!!!
McCall is due one month from today- I can't believe in ONE month Davy and I will be parents! We can't wait to meet our precious little girl! :)
35 Week Check-up
Thursday I had my 35 week check-up and I was surprised to find out that McCall had dropped and that she not only was still head down, but that she was REALLY head down and that I was completely thinned out. I had a brief freak out moment because it hit me that she could come early. I don't know why, but I have always assumed that she would make her arrival on April 16th or later- now I'm not so sure......
Also, we had our second childbirth class on Thursday where we learned more about signs of false labor, real labor and breathing techniques. Davy again decided to be a comedian during the breathing exercises....shocking, I know! I'm not too sure that he will remember everything (or anything) from class once I do go into labor, but one thing is for sure- he will try to make me laugh :)
Moving Day...well, sort of...
I know it has been a while since I've updated, so I'll try to catch up. First, we were suppose to close on our house on Claussen on Thursday, but due to some crazy circumstances we are not closing until Monday (the 16th). Anyway, Davy and I moved out of our first house last weekend (talk about emotional) and moved into his parents house (which we are truly appreciative) for a week or two until the house we are building is complete. I was definitely not prepared for this weekend!!!! For starters, I had no clue how emotional we would both be about leaving our first home. Davy and I couldn't even look at each other as we did the final check for anything we may have not packed. Secondly, who knew how much stuff two people (soon to be three) and a dog could acquire in 3 short years?!? It was insane! Anyway, Davy and I were so fortunate to have my mom and Ken (and my precious nieces and nephew) come down to help us move- they were AMAZING!!! I know they had to be sore on Monday because they moved us ALL day on Saturday and started at the crack of dawn on Sunday moving us. Also, Ken helped Davy with some items that needed to be addressed from the inspection. Thank you so much Mom and Ken- Davy (and of course, me as well)appreciates it more than you know (since all I could do is direct being 8 months pregnant and all)! Also, I have to say a big thanks to Carmen and Jaime for all of their help on Sunday- you guys are such great friends!
We should be moving into our new house on Saturday (the 21st) if all goes well this week with the subcontractors and the inspection. I'm anxious to get in McCall's room and get it in order- she's going to be here before we know it!!!!
34 Weeks and head down!
Today we had our 34 week check-up and they checked McCall's current position. We were thrilled to hear that she is head down!! Also, they did the typical weight, bp, and heart rate check. McCall's heart rate was a healthy 158, my bp was low, and I had actually lost a few pounds, but nothing that the doctor was worried about. We now start going to the doctor every week rather than every 2 weeks. 6 weeks until the due date- can you believe it? SUPER EXCITED! :)
A Week Full of Baby Classes....
What a week it has been!?! Monday night I attended a breast feeding class that is offered at the hospital we plan to be at when McCall arrives and tonight Davy and I attended our first of a series of child birth classes. I hate that Davy missed the breast feeding class because I gained a wealth of knowledge while I was there, but I was super excited that he was able to attend the child birth class (he actually was scheduled to be out of town and was going to miss it as well, but due to a last minute change at work he was able to attend) which was nothing short of the funniest moment of my life. Nothing about the class was especially funny, but Davy's comments to most things said by the teacher or others in the class were hysterical! I've been completely exhausted this week and I even managed to laugh for some time at his comments (I would post them but due to the graphic nature AND the fact that my mom reads this blog I will not post them, but trust me- they were laugh out loud funny!)
Anyway, the 3rd trimester is kicking my butt! I have been completely warn out at the end of most days, but I know in the end it is SO worth it so I'm trying not to complain or think about it too much.
D and I have an exciting weekend coming up- my parents are coming and we are packing up a good portion of our house (since the closing is this week) and I have another baby shower. Also, my parents are bringing my nephew and nieces. I'm curious to see how they react to my growing belly... this should be interesting.
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