
McCall's First Trip to Church!!!

Today was a BIG day-McCall went to church for the first time!
About to start getting ready for church! Sissy had us over for lunch after church. Thanks for the yummy lunch, Sissy!
Big yawn!
McCall is such a daddy's girl!
My sweet girl is getting SO big!

See! I was amazed to see her holding her own bottle tonight when we were getting her ready for bed!!!


Fun with Cousin Claire & Cousin Lilly!

Cousin Claire came to visit our McCall Claire
..and brought McCall a cute Wake dress! Can you tell what Cousin Claire's alma mater is?
Spending time rocking with Sissy (a little blurry, but still very cute!)
And now some time with Boots!
"Hi Boots!"
Lilly was too funny- she kept saying "baby, baby"
Lilly hugging the "baby"
my sweet blue eyed girl!
More hugs from Cousin Lilly- McCall's face here makes me laugh! (as does her 12 chins!)
McCall: "Mom, seriously, enough with the camera!"
My sweetie pie!


A few more pictures from the weekend...

Davy with Ellis and Lydia
Mimi playing with McCall

First Day of Daycare!!!!!!

We did it! McCall went to daycare today- for half of a day atleast (enough time for me to have lunch with Ashley and run a few errands!). I'm so proud of myself for taking her. I really thought I would back out and not take her, but I did (of course, crying the whole way there). McCall did fantastic!! All the teachers fought over who could hold her next! They said she was the happiest, most active and alert baby they had ever seen. I am so proud of my big girl!!
**A big thank you to all of those who called, text and e-mailed me regarding this BIG day- your kind words mean more than you know!

All packed up and ready to head to her first day of daycare!

Father's Day

Davy celebrated his first Father's Day with McCall on Sunday. Well, actually he celebrated all weekend long! We headed to the Upstate Wednesday night to see the Keith Urban and Sugarland concert while Mimi and Papa kept McCall. We had such a good time!!! Davy's Father's Day Weekend continued with a lot of relaxing and visiting with my family on Thursday and Friday and then fishing ALL day on Saturday with my cousins, John and Hunter. Sunday McCall and I made Davy dinner, gave him his gifts, and spent some fun family time together.
McCall is so lucky to have such a caring and loving father (and I'm lucky to have such a wonderful husband!). Davy loves spending time with McCall and I love seeing them together- they have such a fun and genuine relationship. Happy Father's Day, Davy. Thank you for all you do for McCall.
Also, Happy Father's Day to our Dads!


Fun Times In the Upstate!

Here are some pictures from McCall's visit to the Upstate so far- ENJOY!
Mimi loving on Miss McCall Ryan with McCall
Davy and Ellis sharing some strawberries
Lydia loves holding McCall
Can you tell?
Steph and Ellis talking to McCall
Apollo wanted to get in McCall's car seat
And then everyone wanted to try out the Bumbositter!
Pappi spending some quality time with McCall
Oh my, McCall sure does look like her Pappi! :)


The Past Few Days...

Caroline came to visit!
Davy and McCall watchin' some TV at Mimi and Papa's house.Then Davy took a nap.....

McCall decided her daddy had the right idea and she joined in on the napping!

And the Countdown Begins...

I start work next week and McCall starts daycare. I don't really want to write too much on this subject for fear of breaking into tears. We LOOOOOOVE McCall's daycare and I love my job, but it is a little bittersweet. OK- post done!


Multi-tasking gone bad....

OK, it would take WAY too long to explain this, but I promise no one was hurt and I laughed until I cried when I saw this. I thought I could do several things at one time....not so much :)
Yes, that is milk in her mouth and chocolate on her nose....
(and no, I do not feed my child chocolate- not yet atleast)


Beach Fun!

Thursday night Davy, McCall and I headed down to Cherry Grove for McCall's first beach trip! Here are some pictures from the weekend. ENJOY!
McCall was so excited about the beach, can you tell? Cousins enjoying the beach
The Greggs!
and now with cousin Drake!
McCall was starting to wake up from her nap
McCall's first time in the ocean
Family photo
Starting to get tired again...
and she's out!
McCall thought the beach was a great place to nap!
Brother & Sister plus kiddos photo- I love this picture!!!
You can't tell from the look on McCall's face, but she really did like the water.
Our "berry sweet" girl
look at that face!
Just got home from the beach