Over the past few months I have prayed and prayed for time to slow down with my sweet baby as I feel that she is growing up WAY too fast. However, there is an exception to every rule, right?!? TEETHING!!! Could this phase go any faster? Please?!? McCall has no visible teeth but you can definitely see the outline (I guess that is what you call it) of her top two and bottom two teeth. You can tell they are so so so close to popping through. Seriously, this teething phase has to end soon, right? Drooling, some fussiness, putting EVERYTHING in her mouth, etc.... oh my!
First Home Game of The Season.....
which equals LOTS and LOTS of time with the grandparents!!! Mom and Ken (Mimi and Papa) offered to keep McCall for Davy and I so we could attend all of the home South Carolina games this year. They thought since we would be driving to Columbia any way, we could just meet them there and they would take McCall back to Easley and on Sunday we could pick her back up. This way Davy and I can enjoy the game AND they get to spend time with McCall- PERFECT! So, last weekend we were able to tailgate with our friends, go into the game and then do some shopping for McCall's Halloween costume on Sunday before picking her back up. GOOOOOOO GAMECOCKS!
Yard Sale and visitors
Two weekends ago we had yet another yard sale(Davy and Koehler's idea) and McCall had several visitors. Papi, Koehler and Caroline came to visit McCall. We did the yard sale Saturday morning and enjoyed (even though SC lost) the Georgia football game on TV that night. We have some super cute photos of McCall in her South Carolina outfit to post as soon as computer issues are worked out.
Houston we have a problem...
Our computer finally bit the dust (almost within minutes of my last post) AND, all of our pictures of McCall were saved on that computer= NOT GOOD! We hope to recover all of those pictures and post them soon. Until then, I will post via blackberry (without photos) about all the fun events in M's life.
Daycare baby!

You're invited....
Another first in McCall's life- she got invited to her first birthday party (she even got the invitation in the mail with her name on it and everything- too cute!!) So, on Saturday McCall attended her first birthday party! McCall had so much fun that she ended up crashing mid-party and enjoying a nice long nap!
The Birthday girl telling us that she is now 2! Happy Birthday, Lilly!!!
Oh look at that sweet face! I think she thought we were going to slip her a little birthday cake...sorry, McCall!

How cute is this? Cousins blowing bubbles together!
Babies, Babies and More Babies!!!!
What an exciting few weeks it has been!! So many people in our lives are having a baby:
1) My cousin, Brandi, and her husband Kyle became the proud parents to Riley Martin August 24th at 10:53 PM. With Brandi and Kyles addition, my grandmother became a great great grandmother!!!! How awesome is that??
2) My childhood friend ,Lindsey, and her husband Cole became the proud parents to Noah Gray at 6:14 PM (7 lbs. 10 oz; 21 inches long) on September 3rd.
3) My other childhood friend, Amy, and her husband Michael became the proud parents to William Mitchell on September 3rd at 11:30 PM (8 lbs. 12 oz)
4) Our friends Emily and Jeff are expecting a baby boy very very soon!! In fact, I believe Em is now at Week 40! Can't wait to make a trip up to Cary to meet him!
5) My co-worker, Rachel, and her husband Brian are expecting a baby boy the middle of this month, but I have a feeling he will be here much sooner!!
6) And I can't believe I almost forgot sweet little Tanner Austin. Davy's cousin, Tricia, and her husband Will welcomed Tanner into the world August 20th- a little over 8 lbs & 19 1/2 inches long.
Anyway, such an exciting time in all of these families lives and wanted to let you know that the Greggs are thinking of you and love you all very much! (and that McCall can't wait to play with all of these boys- we won't tell Davy! Minus Riley- he will probably say no! just kidding)
Our computer was fixed this afternoon!!! Much awaited pictures of our now 5 MONTH OLD (can't believe that!!) are below...enjoy!
We put M on the table while we finished cooking dinner the other night and found her doing this....
Then she realized we caught her
"who me? I didn't do anything?"

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