Last week my sweet little girl turned a half of an entire year old!!!!! Where is the time going?
At 6 Months she:
~sits unsupported
~moves (I would say crawl, but it's definitely not a traditional crawl-more like an army crawl or an inch worm- either way, you get the point)
~smiles and laughs a lot
~crawls at a slow pace (unless my blackberry is on the floor on the other side of the room. If that's the case, she will crawl to the blackberry in .2776 seconds- hope this love of the phone isn't a sign of things to come....)
~still isn't loving the pacifier
~loves rice cereal and oatmeal
~has tried carrots, peas, and greenbeans (and LOOOOOOOVES them all)
~just got two bottom teeth (woooooo hooooo!)
~sleeps from 7:30 PM to 6:45ish AM
~her hair is coming in lighter and with curls :)
~will have her crib lowered this week due to the gymnastics she has decided to perform the past few mornings (almost giving her Mommy a heart attack)
These were taken on her 1/2 birthday- Happy 6 Months Old, McCall!!!
In her "teething bites" shirt
Her first pair of jeans!!!!!!
Already being a little miss priss and checking herself out in the mirror :)
My two favorite people!!!!
At Andrew Love's 5th Birthday Party- too bad we didn't get a picture with the sweet birthday boy!
Mrs. Caren holding M
McCall got to meet Ella!!! Ella is my co-worker's, Kimberly, sweet 3 month old.
We visited the pumpkin patch Friday afternoon, but I didn't get very good pictures of McCall looking. Thank goodness we took Whitney to take pictures and so far from the previews they look precious!!!!
McCall and Hampton.
This picture makes me laugh- it totally looks like she is telling me something! :)
M after church this past Sunday.