So sorry I have fallen down on my blogging duties- work has been NUTS! Anyway, somewhere in the middle of work "stuff" I found some time to snap a few cute pictures of McCall that I am posting below.
I am also noting this as more of a journal for myself (and McCall, of course) ,but this week included a few "firsts" for McCall. These were not so fun "firsts." McCall's first ouchy at school and at home- and they happened on back to back days- poor child! McCall fell off of the toddler couch with a book in her hand and unfortunately the book went into her gums and made her bleed! :( The very next night Davy and I went to The Easterlings for dinner and McCall fell outside and scraped her hand.... again, bleeding! Poor child! AND now to top it off, McCall tripped and scraped her nose, chin, and busted her lip at the Arts International Festival today all in one fall. Several things ran through my head after I realized McCall was OK today #1. I'm so glad school pictures were taken a week ago and #2. DSS will be calling any day now....Awesome....
McCall's school had "Pancakes for Parents" last week and we attended. I laughed so hard I cried when I looked at the pictures that were taken- why in the world was I making this face? Haha!
This makes me laugh. McCall likes to get on and ride it backwards. haha!
These two are up to no good...
busted... eating ice cream!
At the Arts International Festival (pre-fall/pre-busted lip, etc.)
It makes me sad all over again everytime I look at it... her poor nose got the worst of it!
Her hands are actually starting to look better :)