3. He gets to spend quality one-on-one time with his sweet girl.
2. I take McCall to school most mornings and it allows me to tie-up my work day before everyone gets home.
1. Because I love listening to Davy re-tell the stories of what McCall "did" that day at school.
For Example.... the story last week involved lunch time with McCall. Apparently peas were on the menu at school (a personal fav of McCalls). The teacher told Davy that McCall ate her lunch like she normally does, but towards the end of lunch she caught a glimpse of McCall putting something up her nose. She walked over to her to investigate and what was it? PEAS! My child was putting peas up her nose!!!!!!!!!!!! The teacher said she tried not to laugh and was able to remove the peas (or so she thought) from McCall's nose. And YES, I said peas- as in plural! The teacher said a few minutes later McCall was playing with a toy when she sneezed and a pea went flying out of her nose!!! Miss Anna said it didn't stop there! McCall sneezed TWO more times (in which peas exited her nose) before the total of FIVE (5) peas were removed from her nose. Holy moly..... what to do with this curious child?
Hampton Turns 3!
McCall's sweet friend, Hampton, turned 3 on Saturday and we went to his birthday party on Sunday. McCall had a BIG time! I stole a few of Jency's (Hampton's mom) pictures from facebook!
Happy Birthday, sweet Hampton! Thank you for inviting us to your fabulous "Under the Big Top" party!!!
Happy Birthday, sweet Hampton! Thank you for inviting us to your fabulous "Under the Big Top" party!!!
Eating cotton candy....
Riding the "hoooooooooooooorse" while she ate her candy, of course...
piƱata time!!
Miss Priss....
For the Record...
Someone besides myself or Davy felt the baby kick today!!!! My friend Amber (who happens to date Davy's cousin, Will) felt a huge kick from our baby girl! Just thought I would share that fun fact...
Preparing for Baby (number 2)
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That was a scream of relief (if you couldn't tell). We finally ordered furniture for our youngest daughter last night!!!! La La was kind enough to pick up McCall from school so Davy and I could head to the beach after work to do a little shopping! We decided on this.....
This is the crib (we are getting it in espresso-which is slightly darker than this)
The changer
and the dresser
So does this set look familiar??? It should! It's McCall's same furniture! McCall's is in vanilla and the new baby will have it in espresso. We loved this set so much we bought it twice! :)
Big Girl Bed Update...
I'm happy to report that we have gone a week (yes, a WEEK) with McCall sleeping ALL night in her big girl bed. The first night was definitely an easy night compared to the few that followed. Holy moly!!!! We went a few nights with McCall going to bed easy, but waking up around 2 AM to turn the lights on and want out of the bed. That was no good! So back to the drawing board we went.
I spent about 3 hours in the middle of the night researching/speed reading on how to get your toddler to sleep through the night. Well, luckily we have been using a method I found online and it's working!! AND not only is it working at night, it is working for naps too!!!!! McCall is laying down (without any whining or fussing) and sleeping all night and during nap times!! Lets hope it continues....
I spent about 3 hours in the middle of the night researching/speed reading on how to get your toddler to sleep through the night. Well, luckily we have been using a method I found online and it's working!! AND not only is it working at night, it is working for naps too!!!!! McCall is laying down (without any whining or fussing) and sleeping all night and during nap times!! Lets hope it continues....
McCall's Birthday/Birthday Party
We had several different parties to celebrate my sweet little girls birthday. We had one with just close family at home on her actual birthday and another for friends and family on the weekend. I'll let the pictures do the talking....
(PS- whoever took the pictures with my camera at McCall's party, thank you , thank you , thank you! I was so busy that I would have gotten out of there without any pictures.... I think it may have been Keli or Jencey - or both! :) )
(PS- whoever took the pictures with my camera at McCall's party, thank you , thank you , thank you! I was so busy that I would have gotten out of there without any pictures.... I think it may have been Keli or Jencey - or both! :) )
McCall and Cousin Drake enjoying McCall's birthday gift from Mommy and Daddy
McCall got to feed the fish at school on her birthday!
Jumping on Pa pa!
static much?
Blowing out the candles at the family birthday party
Our family of three- McCall's last birthday without a sibling!
Arriving at her party!
top hat and tea cup cookies!
opening gifts
Riding the mini pony
Baby Girl Gregg Update
Monday I had my check-up. Nothing new to report- good BP still sitting somewhere around 90/60 (sometimes 80ish/60), packed on a few pounds, and the baby had a heart rate of 147. I'm feeling Baby Girl move ALL the time now and I absolutely love it! All the thumps, bumps and kicks put a smile on my face! We are picking out the furniture (finally) for our sweet new addition this weekend and I hope to get some bedding ordered too. I feel like I'm finally getting a few things knocked off of my Baby Girl "to-do" list. Now, if we could just name this child.......
Anyway, I'm having my glucose test done at my next visit in May. So, that will probably be my next update.
Anyway, I'm having my glucose test done at my next visit in May. So, that will probably be my next update.
I finally took a few belly pictures. I hope to get better at this :)
23 weeks 6 days
McCall's Two Year Old Check-Up
McCall had her 2 (TWO, my baby is TWO!!!) year old check-up last week.
I keep thinking that McCall will eventually go to one of her check-ups and that she will even out on some of her percentages. WELL, her two year old check-up wasn't that time!
McCall's Two Year Old Stats:
I keep thinking that McCall will eventually go to one of her check-ups and that she will even out on some of her percentages. WELL, her two year old check-up wasn't that time!
McCall's Two Year Old Stats:
- 75th percentile in weight (29 lbs)
- I giggle at the height stat because I'm not really sure what her percentile was. The reason being because the physician saw her height (which was drawn on the graph- the dot being about an INCH above the 100th percentile!) and said "well, she's tall....and going to be REALLY tall. Like model or basketball player tall."
To Do List
I LOVE "To Do" List- No, really, I don't think you get it. I mean, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE "To Do" list- probably more than one should! I love being able to check items off- I feel so productive. Unfortunately, this week, I have not been able to get much crossed off of my "to do" list since we've had a sick one at our house. So, this week I promise to work on my blog "to do" list. It includes: catching up on March birthday celebrations, McCall's Second Birthday, McCall's 2 Year Old Check Up, Baby Girl Number 2 Updates, and some weekend fun!
Big Girl Bed!!!!
Sunday night McCall decided she no longer wanted to stay in her crib. Her first exit from her crib came right after bed time, so that wasn't such a big deal. I put her back in her crib and kissed her good night. Easy enough, right? WRONG! She decided to escape again around 3 AM Monday morning, as well (which she was sick, so maybe she just wanted her Mommy and Daddy :) ) and thank goodness Davy realized it right away! He jumped up and started running to her room. I jumped up too and waddled into her room to see what was going on. There she stood.....
So, long story short, we converted her bed last night to a full BIG GIRL bed. I just knew this was going to make for another sleepless night. Man, I have never been so excited to be SO wrong. McCall seemed pretty excited about her big girl bed, but you never know.....
So, I fully expected to lay with her after I read a book to her, but I tucked her in and she looked at me and said "Good night, Mommy." I paused for a second contemplating if I should lay down or just walk out. Davy and I decided to just leave. We turned the lights off and listened at the door. What did we hear? Crying? No. Whining? No. We heard McCall saying goodnight to every possible person she could think of!!!!!! It was hilarious!
"Good night Mommy, good night Daddy, good night La La, good night Pa Pa, good night Mi Mi, good night Papi, good night Pa Pa, good night Drake, good night Eli, good night Ella, good night Derrick.....................on and on she went!
After about 5 minutes I heard heavy breathing and haven't heard a peep from her since (and it's 7 AM!!!) . There is NO way it is going to be this easy transitioning to a big girl bed, right???? I really hope the rest of the week goes smoothly!
So, long story short, we converted her bed last night to a full BIG GIRL bed. I just knew this was going to make for another sleepless night. Man, I have never been so excited to be SO wrong. McCall seemed pretty excited about her big girl bed, but you never know.....
So, I fully expected to lay with her after I read a book to her, but I tucked her in and she looked at me and said "Good night, Mommy." I paused for a second contemplating if I should lay down or just walk out. Davy and I decided to just leave. We turned the lights off and listened at the door. What did we hear? Crying? No. Whining? No. We heard McCall saying goodnight to every possible person she could think of!!!!!! It was hilarious!
"Good night Mommy, good night Daddy, good night La La, good night Pa Pa, good night Mi Mi, good night Papi, good night Pa Pa, good night Drake, good night Eli, good night Ella, good night Derrick.....................on and on she went!
After about 5 minutes I heard heavy breathing and haven't heard a peep from her since (and it's 7 AM!!!) . There is NO way it is going to be this easy transitioning to a big girl bed, right???? I really hope the rest of the week goes smoothly!
Happy SECOND Birthday, McCall!
My sweet little McCall is TWO today! I still can't believe how fast two years have gone by, but at the same time I have a hard time ever remembering our lives without her. Yes, today I celebrate my daughter's life, but remember that I must first thank God for selecting us to be her parents. Why He picked Davy and I, we will never know, but we couldn't be happier or more grateful.
April 1, 2009
I can't believe how much our "baby" has grown....
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