Boo for having sick little ones! M has been fighting off her typical respiratory issues (you know, coughing, congestion, etc.) that generally lead to breathing treatments, an antibiotic, some times steroid, etc. As if it wasn't hard enough seeing McCall sick, try seeing your precious 5 month old!?!?! Talk about feeling helpless..... The past three weeks definitely have not been fun!!! We are on the upswing though, right? RIGHT?!?!? RIGHT?????
Prayers..... PLEASE!
Partyin' It Up!
Over the past two weeks the girls have been partyin' it up with some of their favorites. Cousin Drake turned 3, Cousin Tessa turned 3, & McCall's friend Kellyn turned 3!
This picture doesn't have anything to do with the parties... it was just a sweet picture before bed one night last week :)
While in Charlotte at Drake's party, we met up with Davy's college roommate, James
The Birthday Boy, Drake! His party was gymnastics/tumbling themed- the kids had a blast!
Eli, Drake and McCall playing with Sue (Drake, Tessa and Eli's grandmother on their Dad's side)
My favorite picture of the day! Drake having fun!
Baylor and Grandpa
This sweet child just melts my heart!!!
McCall checking out Drake's gifts
All the kids poking Baylor.... poor kid!
The girls!
An attempt at a picture of all five of them....
Poor Baylor had her paci removed several times......
McCall at Kellyn's Tea Party
The Birthday girl, Kellyn!
Walking the "run way" at the Tea Party
One night last week before bed time McCall claimed that she had a"monster" in her closet. So, what did Mommy and Daddy do? Go look for the "monster!"
"Daddy, there's a monster in my closet!!!"
"Can you believe it, Daddy?"
Daddy: "Oh My!"
Daddy going to check out the monster....
(FYI... Davy got to her closet to check out the monster and McCall told Davy: "Daddy, don't hurt the monster- he's my brother!" -- where does this kid get her material? Really? Her brother???)
According to McCall, the monster also made this mess in her closet...
Calling her friends to tell them about the "monster"
4, Oh Wait 5 Months Old
So, I realized that I never blogged about Baylor turning 4 months old AND then I realized why..... I NEVER TOOK HER 4 MONTH PICTURE! :(
So, from what I can recall and thanks to at least some documentation (aka.... my text message to my sweet hubby while sitting in her 4 month doctor check-up)
At 4 Months Baylor: (I can't believe I didn't take her 4 Month picture....This was a pretty BIG month for her- I hope she doesn't need therapy because of my lack of blogging it.... )
So, from what I can recall and thanks to at least some documentation (aka.... my text message to my sweet hubby while sitting in her 4 month doctor check-up)
At 4 Months Baylor: (I can't believe I didn't take her 4 Month picture....This was a pretty BIG month for her- I hope she doesn't need therapy because of my lack of blogging it.... )
- Baylor was 11 pounds even
- 24 inches long
- Got TWO teeth! Yes, TWO teeth!!!!!!!!
- Started sitting in her Bumbo
- Rolls over all the time... and even now sleeps on her tummy. I know, she isn't suppose to... tell her that....
OK, so on to Baylor turning 5 Months Old (where I actually took a picture of my sweet little pumpkin.... Mommy guilt is a terrible thing):
- According to my baby scale she is 12 pounds and 4 ounces
- Is 25 inches long
- Has tried a little rice cereal... ehhh... is OK with it... take it or leave it
- Drinks 6 ounce bottles every 3.5 hours.
- As of about 2 weeks ago is no longer exclusively getting breast milk :( She gets anywhere from 4-5 ounces of breast milk in each bottle and the rest is formula. Mommy couldn't keep up with her :(
- Is the sweetest, calmest, ray of sunshine... seriously, I want to eat her everyday... really!
This might be my most favorite picture of her ever. EVER!
Attitude at 5 months old already :)
McCall tried to tell me she was 5 Months Old... crazy girl!
There's a picture of those pretty bottom two teeth!
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