Pictures of my precious daughter this week (so far)
Here are a few pictures I've snapped this week...so far (we all know I will take a few hundred more before the week is over- I just can't help myself).
Father/daughter time
Bad blogger
So, I've been a bad blogger this week for several reasons. The main reason being that I've had a cold/sinus infection- blah! BUT I'm feeling much, much better now! These are a few pictures of McCall this week- ENJOY!
Getting ready for our Sunday walk around the pond.
Pryce giving McCall a kiss.
April 20th- what an exciting day!

April 20th has turned out to be quite an exciting day and there is still half of the day left!
First, I'm happy to say that Russell Price Miller made his arrival into the world today at 2:20 AM. Davy, McCall and I are so excited for Kristen and Blair and can't wait to meet Price.

Fun with Mimi and Grandpa
Saturday morning Mimi (my mom) and Grandpa (my dad) came to visit McCall. The weather was beautiful, so Davy and I decided to take McCall and my parents to the Flower Show at the Farmer's Market. I have been a little hesitant to take her out because I don't really want a ton of people touching her (I know, I'm being paranoid), but decided that since this was an outside event that we could put her in the stroller and cover her up, thus reducing the amount of people that might touch her. McCall was in a great mood- she slept part of the time and looked around at all the people the rest of the time. We were so glad we were able to venture out for a few hours without a melt down (it's the small things that make us happy these days :) ). It was so nice to have my parents here. They were such a huge help with McCall and around the house- again, it's the small things that really help Davy and I out (like watching her so we can eat, shower, take a nap, etc.).Needless to say, our house was not a fun place to be for an hour or two after my parents left- we sure do wish they lived closer! :( Anyway, below are some pictures from the weekend.
You have to watch this lady- she keeps trying to take my baby home with her! Just kidding, Mom! :)
I think it's so sweet to see how my dad is with McCall- precious!!!
McCall on the way to the flower show (sporting her new outfit that D's mom got her- super cute!)
Tomorrow is McCall's first doctors appointment AND the first time I will be driving or taking McCall out by myself. I'm nervous and excited all at the same time. I hope everything goes smoothly- I'll update the blog once we return from the appointment.
Picture Day!
Yesterday McCall had pictures made for her birth annoucement. She was such a little model for the first 30 minutes or so. She let us do just about anything with her without getting fussy, but we soon found out that 30 minutes was definitely her limit (and then came the huge melt down).
Anyway, I snapped a few pictures of her sitting in a basket with my camera. After looking at these, I can't wait to see how the "real" photographers pictures turned out.
McCall has had SOOOOOOOO many visitors over the past two weeks and I wanted to post pictures with some of her visitors.
Ashley looks like a pro! (Probably because she has 3 precious boys- Andrew-4, Henry- almost 2, and Jacob- 3 months old. McCall can't wait to play with the Love boys!!!!)
McCall's First Easter

What a busy first Easter McCall had! Aunt Nikki, Uncle Eric and Cousin Drake came to visit!! I loved taking pictures of the two of them together and can't wait to look back on these pictures once they are older. Drake was born January 5, so they are a little under 3 months apart. The weekend was a lot of fun- not only because McCall and Drake were able to spend some time together, but also because Nikki totally spoiled us! She cleaned my house and cooked us breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday they were here..... that makes me want to ask- when are you coming back, Nikki? It's not me that needs you, it's McCall :) Anyway, it was amazing!
I'm so glad we had such a great weekend because I have to admit I was pretty bummed that we weren't able to see my family in Easley or go to church. I think this is the first Easter I have not attended church on Easter and it was really strange. Not only was it strange, it was ironic. It was ironic mainly because this Easter I had so incredibly much to thank God for- my sweet little girl is perfect and I could never say thank you enough for such a wonderful gift.
Also, I was upset that we couldn't make it to Easley because Saturday was my Grandmothers 87th Birthday. Happy Birthday again, Grandma!!!! McCall can't wait to meet her great-grandmother.
A week of "firsts"
This week has been a week of first time events for McCall- her first bath at home, her first walk, her first night in her crib, etc. So, of course, I took pictures of these events to share with everyone. I hope you enjoy!
McCall was wide awake during the walk.
Wrigley decided to join our walk- he's still not sure what to think of McCall

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