McCall getting checked out by Dr. Whitehead at her first appointment
April 20th has turned out to be quite an exciting day and there is still half of the day left!
First, I'm happy to say that Russell Price Miller made his arrival into the world today at 2:20 AM. Davy, McCall and I are so excited for Kristen and Blair and can't wait to meet Price.

Candice and Ashley visited baby Price in the hospital (thanks for sending out pictures!) Look how handsome he is in his little Gamecock hat!
Secondly, McCall had her first doctor's appointment today with Dr. Whitehead. I was so nervous about taking her out alone, so when Davy's mom offered to go with me I decided that it might not be a bad idea for her to tag along. My heart was beating so fast when it came time for the nurse to put McCall on the scale. Had I been doing a good job with feeding her?? I could not believe my eyes when the scale read 6 pounds 14 ounces!!! I was so worried about her losing more weight and she had actually gained 8 ounces since birth and really 11 ounces since her last time being weighed. I was thrilled!!!! Also, she came in at 20 1/8 inches long (she was 19 3/4 at birth). My baby is growing!!! The rest of the visit went great. She goes back in 6 weeks for her 2 month check-up.
That's some good Mommy's milk! Congrats to Kristin!