Morning time is the MOST hectic time for me simply because I'm trying to get out the door for work and get McCall to daycare. Luckily over the past 4 months or so M has started sleeping longer and I can pretty much have myself ready to go by the time she wakes up around 7. Not so lucky.... McCall has become a handful in the mornings!!!! She is in EVERYTHING- and I mean everything. This is not limited to cabinets (kitchen and bathroom), dog food, toys, shoes of any kind (she usually tends to go for Davy's), etc.- I think you get my point. Most mornings this stresses me out to the max. However, my New Year's Resolution (yes, I made one) was not to sweat the small stuff, so now I have started trying to enjoy my morning time with McCall by snapping pictures of her morning activities. This has become hilarious!!! Below are pictures from a few mornings this week. Enjoy!
She is usually in pj's when she drinks her bottle. However, this morning she especially acted like I was abusing her while I was changing her diaper. So, naked baby had to do.....
big smiles!
This is where she typically ends up after I FINALLY get her outfit on her
This look tells me she knows I will have to pull her away from playing to get socks and shoes on. hmm... now that is going to be a task!
McCall loves playing on the ottoman! I guess because it moves.
Going to find something else to get in to.....
shutting the door has become a new hobby in our house.
On to something else.....
Next morning all smiles again.... (snotty nose and all)
The next few pictures make me laugh out loud!
And this is when dance party 2010 started
"I'm going to show you some of my dance moves"
"oh yeah"
Realizing I have the camera
Even with Mommy loving on her she would rather try to touch the camera...oh we have our hands full (AND LOVE every minute of it!!!)
She is getting insanely adorable. :) I love how you dress her, she is always so stylish!