McCall's Trip to Columbia
Yesterday I took McCall to Columbia to say goodbye to Aunt Kim. Kim joined the Peace Corp. and will be in Peru for the next two years. We are so proud of Kim and are going to miss her terribly!!
Memorial Day Weekend
We had a pretty relaxing Memorial Day Weekend. Davy took a few days off of work last week and he had today (Monday) off so, it was nice to have so much family time together. Also, we had a few visitors over the weekend. Our nephew, Drake, came to Florence and stayed with the neighbors (aka the Grandparents) for the weekend and Koehler (Gus, Easley and Meadow- her dog and her brothers two dogs) came Saturday and Sunday to stay with us.
Below are some pictures from the weekend (I don't know how I managed to not get a single picture of Koehler while she was here... guess we were having too much fun!)
It never gets old!!! I know, I take WAY too many pictures of Davy and McCall napping together.
Raise your hand if you like napping with Daddy...
Ok, so I know the picture is blurry, but Davy woke up and started doing everything McCall was doing- it was too funny!
Davy put this bow in McCall's hair- I was impressed with the effort :)
Ok, too cute...
Why God Blessed Me With A Little Girl...
I've decided that God knew exactly what He was doing when he gave me a little girl.....to play dress-up with, of course! :)
My little twinkle toes!
Uh Oh...she's rollin'!
Yesterday Davy and I gave McCall some tummy time and McCall decided she did NOT want to be on her tummy so she rolled on over to her back! Davy and I both looked at each other in disbelief, "Did she just do that?" I asked! We thought that this had to be a one time thing- she's too young to be rolling over, right? So, we did it again (and again). She rolled over 4 more times onto her back!!! Once we finally realized she would keep doing it we decided to get the video camera out. I will try to upload the video if I can figure out how to do it.
Finished Nursery...well sort of...
I thought I would have a little more time to get the nursery together, but since McCall decided to come 15 days before her due date, I didn't. So, here are few pictures of the nursery- it's finally starting to come together! Enjoy!!!
This picture has nothing to do with the nursery- I just wanted to add it because I took it today, also. AND because I think this onesie is funny: "Does this diaper make my butt look big?"- she is her mother's child! :)
6 weeks old already!!!!!
Who can believe my sweet baby is 6 weeks old already?? Not me! It definitely hit me today when I dressed her and realized that some of her newborn outfits no longer fit her- not because she is too big around, but because she is sooooo long!!! It makes me so sad to realize how fast time is flying, but at the same time happy that she is such a healthy baby and is growing like she should.
McCall in one of her 0-3 month outfits (still rather large in the arms)
McCall's Photo Session
Many of you will or have already seen McCall's birth announcement, but I wanted to share a few of the photos from her photo session- enjoy!!!
**Oh, and if you like our photos and would like to have your own family photos done you can contact Misty Luikart. She is wonderful!!! She even came to our house to take all the pictures. Her website is http://www.mluikartphotography.blogspot.com/ (Also, you may see a few familiar faces on her website :) )

Going to (Great) Grandmas!
A few pictures from McCall's trip to Sissy's house.
Sleepy face
Asleep on Grandma's shoulder
McCall loves it when Sissy swings her on the front porch!
Cool chick! (Dad, this one is for you!)
Happy Mother's Day!!
What a wonderful first Mother's Day!! I still find it hard to believe that I'm a mother!!! BUT I get reminded everyday when I look at my sweet little girl. I was able to spend the first half of the day with my mom and later that day Davy, McCall and I had dinner with his mom. We are both so blessed to have such loving moms that would do anything for us (and McCall is very lucky to have such great Grandmas!)
My sweet husband (and daughter, of course) got me a wonderful Mother's Day gift. Davy wrote me the sweetest card (that made me cry...I'm still really emotional) AND had the diamond in my engagement ring reset into a diamond band and got the matching wedding band as well. I was in complete shock that he did this!! It is beautiful! He also told me that he wants to save my original wedding band for McCall to have one day. I am so lucky to have such a thoughtful husband. Davy kept telling me that he wanted my first Mother's Day to be special and it sure was- I was able to see both my mothers and spend the day with my wonderful husband that gave me a beautiful and healthy daughter. How did I get to be so lucky?
Happy Birthday Lydia and Ryan!
On Saturday afternoon we celebrated my nephew Ryan's 8th Birthday (May 1st) and my niece Lydia's 6th Birthday (May 16th) at Frankie's Fun Park in Greenville. McCall was a trooper! I fed her before we left and she slept the whole time we were at Frankie's.
Here are a few pictures from the weekend!
Ryan loved holding McCall!
McCall went to visit Koehler, Hall and the Cannons Saturday night.
K and McCall- obviously deep in conversation- too cute!!!
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