Friday McCall turned a month old-where does the time go??? I can NOT believe that it has already been a month!!! McCall had such a fun day and started out with an e-mail (which we are really fond of these days since you never know when she will be awake or asleep) from Mimi telling McCall Happy 1 month Birthday and promised her a shopping trip- I just want to know if McCall's mom can cash in on this? :) I sure hope McCall is a shopper- for Mimi's sake!
Ok, now for McCall's favorite and most exciting part of the day......... drum roll..............
Davy kept McCall all by himself while I judged cheerleading tryouts in Elgin. I was so proud of Davy and McCall. Davy was a champ! I thought for sure I would get a phone call telling me to turn around and come home, but no, my sweet daughter behaved and Davy had everything under control. Anyway, it was such a proud moment for me....
Earlier that morning I decided to video tape McCall for Aunt Koehler since she wasn't going to be able to see her (I was going to take her, but after thinking about the Swine flu, etc. I decided that taking her to a school was probably not the best idea). McCall (and Davy, of course) showed off on the video for Aunt K- it was adorable!
Also, Carmen came to visit McCall on her one month Birthday. Carmen is one of the most thoughtful people I have ever met. She NEVER forgets a milestone. Every week I get a text or a call saying "Happy one week old, McCall" or "good luck at McCall's first doctor's appointment" and Friday was no different. My phone beeped and I knew exactly what the text would say when I saw it was Carmen- "Happy One Month Old, McCall!!" We are so lucky to have such wonderful people in our lives!!
Anyway, Happy One Month Old, McCall! You have given Davy and me the best month of our lives!
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