Yesterday McCall and I headed to Greer to meet Mr. Price Miller (who by the way is ADORABLE!!!). This was our official first car ride with just the two of us. I would love to say that it went perfect. However, that is not the case. McCall had a melt down and I had to stop to feed her 5 minutes short of arriving at The Miller's house. Once we arrived, McCall was wide awake and ready to finally meet this handsome baby I had been telling her about. After being introduced and hanging out for a few minutes Price and McCall were both worn out and napped together in the pack and play. It was precious! It was so nice to catch up with Kristen and Blair while the two of them napped! BUT the napping did not last forever and once the two of them got up Blair decided to have bonding time with McCall. It was hilarious- and I'm so glad we caught it on tape. Once McCall and Price get older they may want to kill us after the things we said about them on tape :)
All in all we had a great afternoon and it was fun visiting with The Millers!
My name is Bridget and I married my sweet and adorable husband, Davy, February 4, 2006 (yes, 2/4/06- can you tell we like even numbers?). We were blessed with our first daughter, McCall Claire, April 1, 2009. That's right, we have an April Fool's Baby! And we were blessed once again on July 28th, 2011 with another daughter, Miss Baylor Claussen Gregg. Davy and I created this fun blog so our family and friends can keep up with our little blessings. Enjoy!!!
I love the photo of you girls holding the babies!