Who knew when you have a baby (or get married) you would get so many fun things in the mail??? Not us! Davy, McCall and I have been so surprised by the love and generosity family and friends have shown us and Thursday was no different. Thursday afternoon my doorbell rang and before I could get to the door I saw the UPS man drive off. I assumed that whatever package he had dropped off probably was something from work and I would get it once McCall finished eating. After feeding McCall and putting her in her bouncy I remembered the package outside and went to get it. I was in complete shock when I opened it. Norma and Mike (Davy's host parents from Idaho) had sent McCall 6 outfits, two bath towels and an adorable pair of slippers!! It took every ounce of self-control for me to not wake McCall to try these outfits on her. They were absolutely precious!
Mike and Norma are such kind people. They treated Davy like their own when he played Minor League baseball and hosted him in their home. In fact, I can't believe Mike and Norma still like Davy and me after we blew their car up. Yes, I said blew their car up!!!! It's a long story, but the day Davy and I got engaged he was driving their car and it caught fire and ended up blowing up in a bank parking lot (One day I'll have to do a blog and put the full story on here). Since meeting Mike and Norma they have remained an important part of mine and Davy's lives. They even flew out to SC for our wedding and came back about a year and half ago for a week to visit. We love them so much!!
Thank you again for such a wonderful gift for McCall, Norma and Mike. We can't wait for you both to meet her.
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