
Little Sister, Baylor

Baylor has only been a part of our family for about 48 hours or so and I already can't imagine our lives without her! She is beyond perfect and I can't stop loving on this sweet baby girl. So far she seems very chilled out and calm.... this makes Mommy happy! I feel so different this time around after delivery. With McCall, I didn't have a clue! Seriously... not a clue. I feel so much more prepared for what I should be looking for or doing. In turn, I am much more relaxed and enjoying Baylor. Ahhh... I could go on and on about how over the moon I am for her, but I won't... I'll let the pictures do the talking.
 Last picture pregnant!
 She's here! 6 pounds 8 ounces, 19 inches long
 Meeting Mi Mi for the first time....
 and La La....
 and PaPi
 And K...
 And Amber...

 Meeting Aunt Maggie (Can you tell we like visitors?)
 And now time for Big Sister, McCall, to meet Baylor

 Pa Pa meeting Baylor for the first time

 Pa Pa with his granddaughters 
 Loving on Baylor
 Our Family of FOUR!! So blessed!
 Mommy with her girls!

 Melissa came to visit!!!!
 BCG with BCG
 Jencey came to see us!!!
 with Will and Gracyn! Love them!

 Aunt Barbara came to meet Baylor
 and so did cousin Ashlee
 and my college friend, Ginni
 Aunt Cindy stopped by too!!! Gezz... we REALLY love visitors!!!! How blessed are we to have so many sweet friends and family?
 Cousins Will and Ashlee with Baylor
 The Loves!!!!! We LOVE them! Henry, Jacob, Ashley and Andrew came by to meet Baylor!
 McCall finally warming up enough to hold Baylor
 ...and now squeezing her... :)
 Carm came!
 Carmen and Jamie!
 ... and the Taylors came by! This time next year Kieley will have a little girl, too!!!
 The Taylors are going to be awesome parents!

 An attempt to get a picture of all the grandchildren... Drake, Eli, McCall and Baylor

 Leaving the hospital to go home :)

 She loves her sister!
 Drake wanted to hold Baylor too!

Mi Mi loving on Baylor


  1. Are you serious...you look that PRETTY leaving the hospital?! WOW! She looks absolutely precious. I love all her little hats!

  2. Bridget- She is precious! I hope ya'll are adjusting well at home!! Congratulations to you and your family!! -Rebecca

  3. I am about to cry looking at all these precious pictures! They are so sweet! You look great too Miss Priss! Tell Baylor Auntie Kimberly loves her:-) And tell McCall that too:-)
