
'I Want To Get Married, Daddy"

So, out of the blue, McCall asked me tonight who I was married to.
And I promptly replied "Well, who do you think I'm married to?"
McCall: " You are married to Daddy, Mommy"
Me: "That's right"
I thought that was the end of the marriage talk, until I was walking by her monitor and over heard this.......
Yes, that is her saying "I want to get married, Daddy..... to Hunter.....pul--eeeeeease..... and Derrick"

O.EMMM.GGGG! Where does she get this stuff?


  1. That is the cutest thing I've ever seen - oh my gosh she is TOO adorable, Bridget!!!

  2. OMG!!!! this is the funniest thing ever. SOOOO happy you got this on video!
