
It's Fall Y'all

Oh goodness... time is flying and McCall is not only now doing a "traditional" crawl (and at a very fast pace, might I add), she is also pulling up on furniture, people or what ever is close to her. This morning she had her first "crash" from pulling up on the furniture and banged her head on the coffee table= not pretty!!! Anyway...pictures of my sweet pumpkin from the past week and a half are below- enjoy!!!

Last night she fell asleep while I was feeding her...it was too funny.

Cousin Claire got McCall this Wake outfit and we thought it would be very fitting for her to wear it when they played Clemson last weekend :) Too bad Wake didn't get a W!

McCall makes the funniest faces!

M wearing her "fall" dress that her Grandma made her.

McCall now realizes when I'm taking her picture WHICH MEANS she now trys to take the camera from me while I'm still taking her picture :)

See? Almost got me.....

Probably one of my all time favorite pictures...my loves!

McCall in her Halloween dress- there is a really cute spider on the dress too, but I couldn't get a good picture of McCall without her covering it up. (also an outfit made by her Grandma)

Talking to us...

Again, after the camera....

1 comment:

  1. She is too cute! I love that picture where she's scrunching up her little face!
