Life is NEVER dull with McCall around. OK, with that being said.... Last Friday suddenly McCall's white tennis shoes went missing. We searched our house over and I mean from one end to the OTHER. SERIOUSLY! Finally Monday rolled around and I had pretty much said bye bye to all hope of finding those cute little white Keds. So, I did what any good mom would do... I went and bought her another pair when I got off of work. I called Davy and told him that daycare did not know where the shoes were so I just broke down and bought another pair. He said that was fine and that after he got off of work he was taking our trash to the dump and would meet me at home to see the new purchase. So, Davy did just that BUT when he got home he had a sneaky little grin on his face. I asked him what was going on and he said "guess what I found?" Yes, that's right, THE SHOES!!!! Want to know where he found them? The most obvious place..... (lots and lots of sarcasim here) an empty Diet Coke box! We habitually put our empty drink boxes by our back door to be taken to the trash dump and I guess Miss Priss decided she was going to "hide" her shoes in the box. Davy said he was SOOO close to tossing the box into the trash dump when he heard something bumping around in the box and discovered the missing shoes. Goodness... what are we going to do with this girl?
The infamous missing shoes....
Ok, so I went to replace her Keds and came home with 4 additional pair!!!! Yes, the back left pair are just like her favorite sparkly shoes she already has. I thought this would cheer her up after her big fall at did!!!!
what cute little pink rainbows!!