
Story of My Life....

Yes, playing catch-up AGAIN!!!!
Sorry folks, we have been busy with a capital B! Just a few reasons why blogging has been a weeeeeeee bit behind (and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few):
  • Last weekend we were out of town for a dear friends wedding (congrats again Candice and Todd!)
  • My manager rode with me TWO days this week
  • I celebrated another year of my life (aka getting closer to 30 :(  )
  • The fair came to town and we just couldn't miss out on that
  • We went to the Farmer's Market with the Easterlings to pick out our pumpkins (two weekends ago- I told you I was behind....)
  • Dad (aka Pa Pa) came to visit this weekend
  • My step-dad had open heart surgery last week
  • I have been helping plan two showers for friends (a baby shower and a wedding shower)
  • Oh, and Davy and I found time some where in between to work our full time jobs...whew....
So, with ALL that said here are a few pictures from the past two weeks!

 Ok, so random thought... does the Labor Day no white rule apply to kids? And if so, are the white leggings considered a violation of the no white after Labor Day rule?  Just a thought....
 Clearly, she thinks the Labor Day rule applies to her and she's not happy about it!
 Going to pick out the pumpkins
 ...with this cutie!
 "Mom, I want that pumpkin over there"

 I could eat. him. up!
 ... and it looks like McCall is thinking about that too... :)
 McCall playing hard to get with Gray
 Could they be any cuter? Gray and McCall decided to have a sleep over... in separate cribs, of course. Geez, people get your mind out of the gutter

"Just hop on the back!"
 Say cheese!
 "Look what I did AGAIN mom"
What is with this? Is she trying to kill her poor OCD mom?
 Fair Time!!!!!
 Not a fan of the pigs...
 but liking the goats!

 Loved the bouncy castle!

 "ooooooooooooohhhhhhhh, I smell funnel cakes!"
 Dancing around everytime she heard music (which was only like every .2912977734 seconds)

 funnel cake...
 Daddy put a tire swing up for her at the side of our yard
 and she loves it!
 tire swing ride with Mommy!

 I walked out for a few seconds and McCall had made herself a snack.... holy moly this child!
 So one morning I put my jewelry down and couldn't find it.....
 then I walked in McCall's room and found this...

 an attempt at a picture with our pumpkins
Wrigley didn't want to be left out!
 and now an attempt at a picture with my BIG pumpkins. Can you tell I heart fall?

 My  yummy birthday cake that my mother in law made!!!!

 Playing with cousin Will. McCall adores him!!!!

 My sweet husband left a note on the first place I would go the morning of my birthday... the coffee maker, of course! :)
 From my mom and step dad on my birthday!
 Dancing with her tea pot!

 With Papa!


  1. McCall is so sweet! I absolutely adore her pigtails! =)

  2. Yay! Busy is good :) Thank you for being such a special bridesmaid for me; it was wonderful to have you and Davy as part of our wedding weekend :) Love you!
