
She's Got What?!?!?!

So, last Tuesday I got a phone call from McCall's school saying that she was complaining of her bottom itching. They said they had inspected it and it looked like she had a bug bite and scratched it so hard it was starting to bleed. I asked them if it was bad enough for me to come get her from school and they promptly told me "No, she's fine." So I continued on with my work day. As soon as I picked McCall up on Tuesday I noticed her scratching at her bottom. So, when we walked in the house I looked at her bottom and they were for the most part right. It looked like maybe something had bitten her and she had made it worse by scratching. So, I put some Neosporin on it and started to make dinner. After dinner we got ready for bath time and as I took McCall's clothes off I noticed that the "bite" was getting worse. I decided to keep an eye on it and if after one full day it wasn't better we might need to call the doctor.
Well, long story short, it didn't get better-- AT ALL!! In fact, by Wednesday night it was spreading and looked more like McCall was allergic to something because it had spread from one small spot on her bottom to both sides of her bottom and starting to go up her back and down her legs.
I really didn't want to over react so, on Thursday morning I took McCall to school and had all intentions of  calling the doctor first thing, but I got busy with work. Around 10:30 I remembered that I needed to call M's doctor. I had pretty much made up my mind that I was just going to swing by McCall's school, take a picture of her bottom, and take the picture to the doctor (since I call on that doctor anyway)-- that way I could continue working and he could confirm to me that I was over reacting or tell me that she was suddenly allergic to our laundry detergent.
UMMMM.... yeah, that didn't happen! I called the doctor and explained what was going on and what I was thinking about doing. McCall's doctor told me I needed to get her there right away since it was spreading so fast. At this point, I thought he was probably just being very cautious. So, I got McCall from school and headed up to the doctor's office. The doctor (Dr. Don-- who we LOVE!!) looked at McCall's bottom and immediately said that is NOT from a bug! After inspecting the area for a moment he came to a decision on what was wrong with McCall's bottom. She had.............
a bacterial skin infection!!!!!! WHAT?!?!?! My immediate reaction was "I promise we give her baths.....REGULARLY~!" And he laughed. He explained to me that she must not have cleaned her hands good or touched something and then scratched her bottom and that's how it all happened. My mouth was still open because I was convinced it was my fault and couldn't believe she had a bacterial skin infection! After about 20 minutes of Dr. Don telling me that she is a child and they are going to get dirty I stopped feeling so guilty.... or that's what I told him (B/c we all know, I STILL feel terrible!)
So, now for the next 10 days McCall is on a good antibiotic and cream (each three times a day!!)

So, MY key take aways from this are.........
A. Every bug bite or skin irregularity my kids get I will now be that crazy over reacting mom who takes their kids to the doctor.
B. I will be purchasing stock in hand sanitizer and antibacterial soap-- My kids will have the cleanest hands in town!

****I originally wanted to show a photo of the infected area. However, after telling my husband (who clearly put more thought into it than I did) of my great idea, he told me it probably was not a good idea. :)


  1. Do NOT feel bad! Noah had a Staph Infection a few months ago that started as a few bumps on his bottom and spread all over the back of his legs - it looks awful! Everyone has bacteria and staph on their skin and if it gets into a cut it'll spread very easily. So don't feel bad! We have been there too! :) How she is feeling better!

  2. Thanks girl!I just feel so badly for her-- but she really has been a good sport about it.
