
My Happy Girl...

McCall was in such a fun mood today, so I just had to snap a few pictures! She is now making lots of sweet noises, smiling and I think I even heard the start of a laugh yesterday. Her little personality is starting to shine through... she is such a happy baby-I LOVE IT!!!! A lot of the pictures look the same, but they were all so cute I couldn't decide which ones to post.
My smiling girl!
"You talking to me?"
Davy got her ready for bed-I just love this little duck outfit on her!
OK, I know this picture looks funny-I must explain. Davy and I rock McCall in this chair and sometimes the afternoon sun is in McCall's eyes (even if the blinds are closed) . SO, Davy decided that putting the blanket over his head might eliminate some of the sun.... and it did! :) The things you do to make your child happy.

1 comment:

  1. I love the "you lookin at me" photo. She gets cuter and cuter every day.
