
What a busy weekend!!!

Davy and I had such a busy weekend, so in turn McCall spent A LOT of time with my mom and step-dad (Mimi and Papa). First, I would like to say how appreciative we are that they were willing to drive all the way to Florence to babysit her while Davy and I went to various events. We are especially thankful for them watching McCall Friday night while we went to Lexington for our friend Kim's Going Away Party. This was McCall's first night away from me when she hasn't just been down the hall or next door at my in-laws. I was more than an hour away from McCall!! I am more than willing to admit that I was totally out of control when telling my parents her routine and what to do if she fussed, had a stomach ache, etc. I even went so far as to tell them what to do if she started teething!!! I mean, come on Bridget- she's 2 months old! I know, I'm crazy when it comes to my sweet girl! I seriously did give them an hour long run down of what to do ....(like they had never raised kids or something.... they have 4 between the two of them). I honestly don't think my parents would have put it past me to tell them what to do if she were to start driving before I returned home. :) Anyway, thanks Mom and Ken for watching McCall and listening to me be OCD mom! :)
D and I at Kim's Party

K, me and Kieley


  1. I agree that it's really nice having grandparents around to watch the kiddos! I know my Mom LOVES having McCall over to spend the night when Davy works out of town during the week. I'm shocked she hasn't set up her and Drake their own room yet.

  2. Yes, it is nice! Can you believe I made it through McCall's first "real" night away? I mean when your parents keep her- I can just walk next door, which is really nice and convenient! I couldn't just walk over to get her Friday night. I was so proud of Davy and me for not driving home to see her.
