
Happy New Year AND Happy 9 Months Old, McCall!!!!

Happy 2010, Everyone!!! 2009 was great to us and we can't wait to see what 2010 has in store for our family (for those of you who think you are going to be cute and say a little brother or sister...ehh eh, think again- we are having too much fun enjoying our little McCall, for now!).

So, McCall is 9 Months old today- that makes me shake my head and ask- where in the world has time gone? I seriously feel like I was pregnant with her just yesterday.

At 9 Months she:


• To have her hair brushed. It's the sweetest thing- she smiles and makes faces like nothing else in the world could make her happier.

• Bath time! Holy moly, this child would play in the bath all day if you would let her. Good thing she got some great bath time toys for Christmas.

• Having her back rubbed.

• playing peek-a-boo

• Giving kisses. Ohhhhh, how this is the sweetest thing! Of course, McCall's kisses consist of her opening her mouth as wide as she can and putting her tongue on your face, but nothing in the world could be sweeter!

• Sleeping. Happy to report that she still loves sleeping at night and taking naps and usually sleeps anywhere from 11-12 hours a night- FABULOUS!!!!!!!

• Fruits, veggies, graduates, etc- still having a hard time finding things she doesn't like :)

• Her baby dolls! McCall carries them around by their hair while she crawls- it's hilarious to watch.

• Riding in the car and singing/jabbering/talking to herself (or sleeping, of course) most of the time while riding.

• Riding in the stroller and hanging her head out the side of it while it's moving (strange, I know)


• Having her outfit or diaper changed- McCall seriously acts like you are abusing her while doing any of these things.

• The pacifier (still) and in fact, we have just given up on her ever liking it...oh well.

• Getting out of the bath tub (which really goes with the "loves" section, but I felt the need to really emphasize the fact that she LOVES bath time- get the picture?)


• McCall is still holding onto furniture while she walks around it.

• Stood by herself for a few seconds (without holding on to anything for support) on Christmas day and has continued to do it a little more each day. (I'm really not ready for her to walk- can't she just speed crawl a few more months?)

• Is getting her second top tooth in, which would bring the grand total to four teeth.

• Now has a few more words in her vocabulary: Da-da, hey, yeah (and this really upsets me, but I swear she said Brid-get the other day!! I mean, really? You can say my first name, but not Ma-ma??)

McCall sporting her new tennis shoes from Santa

Playing with her new bath toys from Drake- big thank you, by the way!

OK, this totally bothers me. Everytime I mention cutting her hair to someone they act like I'm nuts for even thinking such a thought before she turns one, but look!!!! My child has a mullet! Just a trim? Anyone with me?

Thanks Papi! Papi taught McCall how to open the graduates with her teeth (nice, huh?) while he was here over Christmas and this is what I found her doing a few days ago!

Drake and M playing together

Attempting to get a picture with the kiddos.....

and I ended up choking out my own child while trying to get Drake to look...sorry, McCall!

McCall: "Look at all my toys, Drake. Want to play?"

Drake looks like he is telling M a secret here.... too funny!

I don't know what their obsession was with the blinds, but they kept going straight to them. (See, Drakes face says "I've been caught")


  1. Don't feel bad about a hair cut! I've trimmed Price's hair a couple of times already.(I also learned that I was NOT meant to be a hair stylist!)

  2. Pictures are so cute. I love them!
