
What Is That Saying "Curiosity Killed The Cat?"

So, as you probably know, McCall's hair is rather curly some days. I started to wonder just how long her hair would be if it were straight .... (you know where I'm going with this, right?)
McCall's hair Thursday morning...
McCall's hair Thursday night after a little straightener action...(no worries, it returned to curly the next day)
McCall and I in our matching outfits this afternoon :)
Oh how this child brings pure joy to our lives!!!!


  1. Do you really look that pretty all the time? I mean, do you wake up that way? Never seen you with a hair out of place. Lucky you! McCall is precious. =)

  2. Haha! Right! You are so sweet, Casey!!! We have GOT to get our girls together- Miss you!!

  3. You look gorgeous in those pics!!!

    And I love McCall's curls! I would totally do the same thing one day (if Mills were not a boy, of course - I better put that disclaimer out there in case Nicholas were to see this, haha)! :)
