
Hey Girls!!!!

So, my husband (along with my in-laws) decided that we NEEDED chickens. I thought that this was just an idea that would be tossed around and then forgotten in a week or so. Not so much.
So, without further ado I give you..... THE GIRLS! (and boy)
Matilda, Harry and No name {We've only name the rooster (Harry) and one hen (Matilda)}
McCall woke up from her nap to find chickens!!!!

Not too sure at first...
Feeding them with Pa Pa

"Hey Girls"
and now feeding them with La La (I have a feeling these poor chickens will NOT starve)

Going inside La La's house for a break...
Our first egg came Tuesday night!!!!!!


  1. You have chickens... that is awesome. Can we bring Noah to the Gregg Farm someday soon?!? Love you!

  2. So much fun- we want chickens so badly! We'll have to move to the country first, though!

  3. I want a goat. Michael wants chickens. Let me know how high maintenance they are!

  4. Oh, and I switched to Wordpress and lost my "old" followers from the .blogspot domain. If you haven't heard from me in your reader, that's why. Just re-add me as "www.thesouthernbellebaby.com" and it should be fixed. :)
