
Pure Silliness

Sometimes Ok, most of the time Davy, McCall and I are just plain goofy with a capital G! But I sure do love our goofy moments- AND you know I just have to capture them on camera :)

Silly me- I thought the bowls were used for mixing; nope, much more fun using them as hats!
Me: "McCall, wouldn't it be fun if you gave Mommy a massage?"
McCall: {:::::giggle, giggle, giggle::::::; walks over gently sits down jumps on my back}

her version of a scalp massage....

Laughed so hard my ribs still hurt....
Davy pretending to be asleep. McCall, not so much....

This picture has NOTHING to do with this post- I just couldn't believe how long her hair was when it's wet and not curled up. CRAZY!!!
More long hair....


  1. I love that picture of her "massaging" your head. So cute! She has the cutest little grin.
