
Gender Scan

Why oh why am I wanting to know the sex of this baby so badly????? OH YEAH, because EVERYONE (including me) seems to be hosting some sort of baby clothing show within the next two weeks and I just HAVE to know if I should continue on my ridiculous shopping of girl clothing or not.  So, when can I find out???? According to my doctor, I can't find out at their office until around 19 weeks (for free)....big boooooooooooooooooooooooo considering I'm a day away from 13 weeks! ARG! I can however go to one of those gender scan places at the beach or in Columbia at 15 weeks (for $80) or another office in town does scans for non-patients at 16 weeks (for $75). BUT, HELLO!!!!! I'm 13 weeks!!!!! Gezz.... can you tell I"m just not a patient person??


  1. Girl - I was the same way, lol! I vote for one of the 15 week places cause I want to know too!! :)
