
Breathing a Sigh of Relief AND The Terrible Twos

So today was THE day. Yes, THE day when we had the anatomy scan for Baby Girl Gregg. For the past two weeks I have been anxiously awaiting this day. Why so anxious? Well, I would like to say that I'm just a worrier (because truth be told, I really am a worrier), but that's not the case. I have been a ball of nerves because I haven't felt this baby move AT ALL. I mean AT ALL(no thump, no twitch, no skip, no hiccup... NOTHING!!!!) in many weeks.  So, this morning I woke up and I felt like I had finally made peace with God about His plan for our child and her health.  At 4 today Davy and I got some of the best news... SHE'S FINE. Healthy heart, arms, legs, toes, kidneys, you name it, she's got it and it's healthy! Thank you, God!!! Also, I got an explanation for the lack of movement... I have an anterior placenta. Which pretty much means that I have a cushion (the placenta) between my tummy and the baby. WHICH in turn can prevent me from feeling the baby move for the next few weeks/maybe even months. Also, it now explains why at my 12 week check up the physician could not hear her heartbeat on my tummy (and in turn rushed me off to have an ultrasound). WHEW...... after all that, it was so nice to relax and watch her wiggle around on the ultrasound. As far as we could tell, she seems A LOT like her Big Sister... she did NOT want to show her face and kept her hands on her face for the entire ultrasound.  She is also VERY low and McCall was low through out my pregnancy. So who knows... maybe we'll have another little blond, curly haired, blue eyed, sassy, bundle of sunshine! :)

****On a side note...(A HUGE thank you to those family members and numerous friends for the encouraging words, text, prayers over the past few days/weeks, but especially for remembering us this afternoon during this nerve wracking day)

Speaking of McCall (sassy, almost 2, YES, almost TWO year old) Miss Priss. LORD. HELP. US. ALL. The terrible twos are upon us! Don't get me wrong. My child can be sweet, SO sweet, but when she is bad, man is she bad!!!!!!!! For example, this morning I apparently gave her the "wrong" sippy cup. McCall decided to tell me that I had the "wrong" sippy cup by hurling it at me (full of milk). Well, that didn't sit well with me. So, on to time out she went. She kicked, she screamed.... she threw down!!!!! After she finally calmed down, I sat down beside her and told her she needed to apologize to me. Her reply to that was "no." Again, NOT GOOD, but
(I hate to admit this), I was running late and decided that I needed to leave for work. So, I gathered our things and headed out the door without the apology. As I got to the door, McCall wrapped her arms around my leg. I crouched down beside her and she looked me right in the eye and in one LONG phrase said "Sowwwy (sorry), Mommy I wove (love) you kiss ( and she leaned in to give me a kiss). Melt. my. heart!!!! Moral to the story... I guess this terrible twos thing does have some positives to it too! :)


  1. So glad everything looked okay! I had an anterior placenta, as well, and it can definitely stress you out if you are unaware you have one.

  2. Glad your ultrasound went well! Hope the rest of your pregnancy continues to go well!! Baby #2 will be here before you know it!

  3. I'm glad you got a good report! I had no idea you weren't feeling her move.

  4. Oh goodness I had no idea you didn't know! I've been telling everyone who asked about her.

  5. Well obviously not quite everyone. Unless the conversations at Disney didn't count.

  6. Great news!!! Can't wait to hear more about this precious baby girl {and your other sassy & sweet beauty, too!} :)

  7. Thinking of names for baby Girl...I am loving the name Maggie:-)

  8. GIRL! We LOOOOOOVE the name Maggie! It's def. one of our top 5 names! LOVE it!
