

I'm so excited to have the next few weeks off of work to do nothing but play with my girls and spend some quality time with my husband! Whew! The past few weeks have been exhausting (with Davy being out of town for TWO weeks!) --I can't wait to have some time to just enjoy each other.
 Such a silly girl... getting in her little sister's Bumbo sitter! 
 B LOVES sucking her thumb!
Random picture before school last week :)
 The FMU President invited McCall and Baylor's classes to meet Santa,  have cookies, make ginger bread houses, and  ride horses at his house.
 Family photo outside Dr. Carter's house.
 McCall: "Mommy, seriously... enough with the pictures..."

 Getting a bald spot :(
Baylor makes the funniest faces!

1 comment:

  1. They are both so precious! McCall is looking so old lately! I think it's her teenage facial expressions, LOL.
