
A Little Dirt Don't Hurt...

Today Grandma and Grandpa picked McCall up from school so she and Cousin Drake could play outside in this beautiful weather. They had a BIG time!!
I came home from work and saw them in the yard and just HAD to snap a few pictures. The last picture is right before McCall fell asleep (which by the way, she fell asleep in .000231678 seconds)
Drake in the swing
and now Miss Priss

Her hair is trippin' me out here!!!!
Cool dude...
I thought this was a neat picture of Drake swinging
She's definitely up to something here- poor Drake, she kept stealing his stuff...
This morning (Enjoying the "breakfast of champions" : aka Cheerios while browsing through Pottery Barn...that's my girl!!!)
Tonight at bedtime before completely crashing....
(Davy took this picture and I thought it was sweet!)


  1. Hey! You must be Jennifer's new BFF! haha! :) I've heard so much about you!
    I'm glad you found my blog - your little girl is precious!! :)

  2. Aww, thanks! Yes, I looooove me some Jennifer! Sweet thing! I've heard so, so much about you too- and your baby Mills is SO cute!
