
Who Knew?????

So, since McCall's school had a two hour delay this morning I got to do something that is VERY rare these days- watch TV! I caught the Today Show (which I looooooooooooove and hate that I don’t' get to see it too often since McCall made her arrival) and a segment that floored me! The segment was called "Rubber Yuckies" (rather than rubber duckies) and was about how bath time toys are a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. They cut open several toys and exposed the black filth -YUCK!!! As the segment went on they pretty much said that all plastic toys with holes are just waiting to get these types of germs- even if you clean them regularly. And to just think- kids put these objects in their mouths!!!!!! They advised parents get toys, such as rubber duckies, that don't have the hole that allows the water to get inside. Who knew?????????? So, what did I immediately do? Went and cut open McCall's rubber duckie (she actually got it at another child’s birthday party) and found the beginnings of the black nasty bacteria starting to grow!!!!!! AHHHHH- I have even disinfected these toys several times before AND I let them air dry and squirt the water out every night. I did exactly what the Today Show advised- I threw them out!!! Thank goodness McCall had some other toys similar to the ones below that don't allow water to become trapped and create an opportunity for this to happen.
If you are interested here is the story from the Today Show:  http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/26184891/vp/35685464#35685464

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