
She's Here!!!!!!

McCall Claire Gregg decided to make an early arrival and say hello to Davy and I on April 1st. Yes, that's right, we have an April Fools Baby! Most of our friends and family did not believe us when they got our text or call Wednesday morning that McCall was about to make her grand entrance. First, I would just like to say that I have, without a doubt, the best husband in the entire world! Davy took me to the hospital Monday night/Tuesday morning around 12 am when I was having contractions. After being checked out and monitored the hospital sent me home around 4:30 am because I was not dilated any further than I had been a week ago. So, Davy and I headed home and got a little rest. After sleeping for a few hours on Tuesday I woke up again having contractions and continued to have them throughout the day. As the day progressed so did my contractions so again we went to the hospital around 9 pm and they once again sent us home around 12:30 am because I was not dilated past 2 centimeters. Before sending me home this time they gave me a shot for pain. However, the shot did NOTHING for me. After lots of breathing exercises, taking a bath, a shower, walking, and several hundred "you can get through this contraction" talks from my husband, we headed back to the hospital around 4:30 Wednesday morning. I told Davy that they were either going to tell me I was going to have the baby or they were going to have to knock me out because of the huge amount of pain I was in. Thank the Lord they told me that I had dilated to almost 5 centimeters and that they were going to keep me. The best part was that not only could they now give me an epidural, but they assured me that I was going to have an April Fools Baby! I was finally going to meet my sweet little girl!!!!!!! I started to cry- and I have to admit it was mostly because I knew I was about to be pain free for the first time in 2 days. Anyway, the rest of labor was a breeze- epidurals are WONDERFUL!!!!! By 12:06 pm McCall Claire Gregg entered the world at 6 pounds 6 ounces and 19 3/4 inches long with a head full of very dark brown/black hair. God is so good! She is perfect in every way. I promise to put pictures up soon. We left the hospital earlier tonight and are just starting to settle in so I'm going to try to catch a few moments of sleep while she sleeps, but I will try to keep the blog pretty current. My wonderful mom has agreed to stay with Davy and I and help us for as long as we need, so I'm going to take full advantage of that.


  1. YAY! I'm so glad that she is finally here and you are both doing great! I can't wait to see pictures of her. Congrats to you both - McCall is so lucky to have such wonderful parents!

    Love you! -Linny

  2. Congratulations Bridget and Davy! I can't wait to see some pics!!!
    -Tarah Boykin

  3. Can't wait to see the pictures but most of all can't wait to see all 3 of you! Early June! Take care of yourself!
