
Because Sometimes You Just Need Your Mom.....

I don't even know where to begin. We have had a week of sickness and it all came to a head last night. McCall has had a stomach bug off and on throughout the week (and she decided to share with her Daddy). I started getting sick Thursday night and went to the doctor Friday afternoon(all the while still working and ignoring my body's signs telling me to slow down). Yesterday morning I had an asthma attack that scared me to death, but decided everything was OK. WRONG! Last night (in the midst of a terrible storm) I had another asthma attach- 10 times worse than before!!!!!!!  Davy took me to the ER (and Amber kept McCall- BIG thank you again!!!) where I got another breathing treatment and 2 shots (a shot of steroids and a shot for pain).
Did I mention there was a terrible storm? Yeah, got home from the ER with NO power- and I'm sure the LARGE tree going across our power line and our neighbors probably had something to do with it!!!! Arg.... today I ONCE AGAIN decided to ignore my body and try to go to work (can you tell I'm incredibly stubborn???) and I got to McCall's school to find a note "Due to lack of power the center will not open today." I lost it!! No, really.... lost it! I called my Mom and without hesitation she said "I'm on my way... you ARE going to rest and I'm going to take care of McCall" Ahh,.... so, right now, we are awaiting her arrival so I can climb into bed and rest (since there was very little to no sleeping without the power/AC) and she can watch Miss McCall.
**Oh, and PS, McCall once AGAIN has the stomach bug this morning....seriously????
Thank the good Lord for my sweet Mom! Because sometimes you just need your mom....


  1. that's what moms are for :)

  2. I know!!! Sweet, sweet mom to drop everything and drive 3.5 hours!! I heart her... A LOT!

  3. Praying for you girl! I think we are all guilty of trying to do too much. (especially when life seems to be the craziest!)
