
A Little Of Everything....

Ah! I keep telling myself that I will try to do a new blog entry every other day, so all the pictures don't pile up on me. However, it just hasn't worked out that way! Oh well, maybe one day, right?
OK, so McCall has had a busy week (and so have her parents)!!! I figure you would rather see what she's been up to rather than have me write about it-ENJOY! (PS- my pictures are NOT in chronological order- my computer/blogger was not cooperating while trying to create this post)
Her hair is getting curlier everyday!!!
Sweet sleepy face!

McCall got a boo boo! (and never cried)
Papi and MiMi came to visit! This picture is of McCall playing outside with Papi
She sure does love that beach chair! We are going to have to plan a beach trip for that sweet girl so she can put it to good use!
We had to put a lock on the screen door a few months back....
McCall isn't a fan of it...can you tell by the look on her face?
Reading with Mimi!!!!

While my mom and dad were in town, we started talking about how much we loved homemade ice cream when I was little, so we decided to go buy a churn and make some!
McCall was all about the box the ice cream churn was  packaged in!
I love the way my sweet child lights up when her Daddy plays with her!
"Papi, is that you???"
"Yes, it is! I've missed you!!!"
McCall's new thing is to watch Wrigley eat.... I don't get what is so interesting about it, but it sure makes  her happy (and that's all that matters, right?)
Playing with Papi outside
This is McCall's 14 Month Old Picture!  (in her rain jacket that Davy claimed she would never wear! ha!)
"Look at my pretty rain boots, Mom!"
McCall also likes to bring me Wrigley's food (so that she can watch him eat)
It's also hard to keep any type of clip, bow, etc in this busy little girls hair...
I watched Hampton one night for his parents. He and McCall had a blast playing (and eating!)

Hampton sat on McCall- it was too funny!!!!
McCall got bit for the first time at school this week :(
Hamp pushing McCall around! :)
More fun with Daddy!
McCall's Grandma and Grandpa got her this wagon- she L.O.V.E.S. riding in it!!! BUT, I don't know who taught her to ride like this!!! ha!

1 comment:

  1. I love the face she made when she realized the screen door was locked. So cute!
